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Prof. Maldonado, Eduardo

Interview of Mr. Gordon Sutherland from EACI

Prof. Maldonado, Eduardo

Coordinator of the EU Concerted Action-EPBD

As the Senior Project Officer of the Energy-efficiency at the European Commission’s Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation Mr Sutherland is now in a privileged position to offer valuable insights into how Intelligent Energy Europe contributed to the current status of EPBD implementation in Europe.

The EPBD is the main policy tool for energy efficiency in buildings. Intelligent Energy Europe is the main EC programme supporting its implementation. Can you describe why the EC decided that support was necessary for this particular Directive and the objectives that were established?

– To discuss that we would need to take ourselves back to the time of the adoption of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive in 2002. At that time the work programme of the Intelligent Energy – Europe Programme (2003-2006) was also being put together. As you rightly pointed out, the Programme is the EU’s main instrument for overcoming the nontechnological barriers to the widespread market penetration of energy efficiency and renewable energies. These barriers, which are hindering the use of known, technically proven solutions and approaches, are often categorised as being related to behaviour, capacity, financial or regulatory issues. Given the comprehensive nature of this framework Directive, it would seem logical that the processes for preparing the national legislation and implementing schemes that would put it into practice in each country should be supported. The objectives were – and still are – to support activities of European added valuewhich would support the take-off of the Directive. What I mean by that, is that whilst each country holds the competence for implementing the legislation in relation to its own building stock which is in effect a national asset, there are multiple benefits to be gained from collaboration amongst the body of administrations and stakeholders dealing with this legislation, each of them under differing national and even regional circumstances.

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